Fairly safe bet we will have a good time. Pretty good chance of a few laughs and maybe even a few "WTF" is going on's.We had some pretty hilarious stories from October.And we didnt even know each other then.Look out Cancun!
Just booked my trip...April 24th thru May 5th I enjoy meeting as many people as possible...and trying to corrupt as many as possible with (good) Tequila shots! Most of my friends aren't showing up until the 30th, so stop by and say Hi anytime! Look for a Texas flag towel around the pool. This will be trip #11...can't wait to get back there! Tequila Ken
Hi Arlington !! We will already be gone when you get there :cry: Have a great time ! We live by Waxahachie and I have not met very many people from this area on the website. Kristi and Sean
Too bad you're not going to be there at the end of the month. We have quite a few FUN people (probably around 30) coming in for a friend's birthday...most are from the DFW area. Just call in sick and stay longer!!! Tequila Ken
I wish we could, but we own the company so that can't happen. We will come back, this trip is a little shorter than we would like but we just can't take off any longer. It sounds like you are going to have a big group. Have fun Kristi and Sean
Andelgia ( rick & Alesha ) …………………Mar 27 - apr 3 Halifaxdan………………………………..... Mar 29 - apr 5 Jayc72.……………………………..................Mar 31 - apr 10 Michmacs ( Rob & Beth )………………….Apr 1 - 9 Slimjim1974.…………………………….....Apr 7 - 14 Tunapalooza ( marc )……………………….Apr 9 - 13 Capcodders1.………………………...……..Apr 9 - 17 B&B………………………………................Apr 10 -17 Blondieandthebaldguy ( Alicia & Ken )……..Apr 10 - 17 Blake&Lisa ( Blake & Lisa )………………..Apr 10 - 14 Marsha0712 ( Erika & Hubby )……………..Apr 13 - 20 Woody & Sue ( The Woodman )….………..Apr 14 - 23 NickyD………………………………...........Apr 15 - 20 Skjudd ( Kristi & Sean ) ……………………Apr 16 - 20 Btodde………………………………...........Apr 16 - 22 Matt & Susan ( Matt and Susan )…………..Apr 16 - 22 DaAandR (Andrew & Rachel………………………………........Apr 16 - 22 Ken & Joyce ( Kenandjoyce )…..…………Apr 16 - 23 Ed & Susan ( Ed&susan )………………….Apr 16 - 23 Sandra ( skh102067 )……….…………….Apr 16 - 23 Chet ( Chet )……………………………....Apr 16 - 23 Derek & Sassy ( Derek_and_sassy )……….Apr 16 - 24 Sue & Dave ( Suedave )……………….…..Apr 16 - 30 Van & Bernie ( Van&bernie )……………..Apr 16 - 30 Cancun181 ( Ben & Kristi ).……...……….Apr 17 - 23 Beverly & Chris ( Beverly )………………Apr 17 - 28 Rebecca_hill ( Rebecca & Dan )………..Apr 19 - may 3 Holm_fan………………………………....Apr 20 - 27 ???????????????????? Gateway……………………………….......Apr 20 - 27 Rick & Monica ( Osiferrick )……………..Apr 20 - 27 m+forever …………………………………Apr 21 - 28 Jim & Dar13 ( jim & darlene )……………..Apr 22 - 29 Jdhill35.……………………………............Apr 23 - 30 Zack………………………………...............Apr 26 - 30 Cheryl & Paul ( CherylnPaul )………………Apr 27 - may 4 Fasttrack ( K& K )………………………….Apr 27 - may 1 PaulAndDarcy ( Paul & Darcy )………………Apr 28 - May 5 Updated roll call...if i missed anyone...let me know......Rick
Got some first timers to Mexico and Temptations from 4-27 through 5-2 from IN. Looking to have a great time and chill out for a week. Hope to meet and hang out with some new friends. Who will be there then. K&K