You would see right through that hard to get stuff and you know it And hey, Im just taking one for the team here. I have always been a team player.
In the words of Chet " who the hell are you people" LOL Yeah I saw the drool remark last night, but I knew Derek & Chet could be counted on to cover it properly, see how the guys are bonding Ha ha I've seen the girl snore & drool, not a pretty sight <<<Like her sister a lot of fun right up to that point when they have been drinking..As a side note you can't use my handcuffs, I don't want drool or anything on them LOL :evil:
HAHAHA....OK, OK. You got me there, Chet. I completely agree. So instead of Team Sweet, it should be The MILFs. LOL.[/quote] MILF derek. many indians like fires mans impotence lacks fire my important loveable friends my inflatable lovely female mexico is lads favourite :flash: PLEASE EXPLAIN YOURSELF DEREK :lol: :lol: wanna know what sort of team sue's getting into, btw she can drink for england :beerdrink:
Derek my advice on this one is to defer to the self-proclaimed expert on dealing with all things Brit LOL Sandra deal with it !!!!!
All right kids, I am getting my head right to book trip number 6 and may be bringing along a couple of friends for this years adventure. I think the biggest decision is going to be last week of March or first week of April. I need someone to convince me when to go (especially ladies lol) so let me here some encouragement!
April 10th to 17th works well, not sure of the single status of the laies there, thinking more along the lines of people to committ to a booze cruise