Okay, I've been AWOL for a while but I'm back now. If these men would stop trying to occupy my time I would have more time for all the Forum fun. ha ha ha ha I just had to respond to Ed's post, while I love my brother-in-law, I'm fearful that he may have just chosen his doom by having me join his team. I'm probably the biggest light weight in regards to heavy drinking. So if this is an endurance contest I'm afraid I will be snoring in the corner with my man Derek way before the rest of you. Why can't you just leave Derek and me alone? Sandra
OMG! Derek you get sleepy too? That's me!!! Some people get all perky and hyper when they drink but I'm perky already so when I drink heavily I just get all sleepy, ex-husband used to say that my face starts to look like it's melting. So please y'all when you see that happening can you just prop me up somewhere safe? Is there going to be anyone out there that's going to be looking out for my well being? So I don't wake up somewhere not knowing where the hell I am, a tit hanging out and dried spit on my chin and sand pressed into my cheek?
Hey Sis! Team 'Sweet MILF's does have Chet on our side - we discovered last trip he's not that good at drinking but at least he doesn't know when to quit! LOL Susan
I will help ya out and look after ya Sandra. I will make sure you have no spit and no sand on your face,but you may just have the second tit out
I didn't break it! Thank goodness! Just a bad wrist sprain and I am well on my way to recovery. I have tested my wrist and I am able to hold beer without any pain!! Sandra we will prop you up if we have too!!! We girls and Chet will need to stick together!!!
Honesty is the best policy I always say. I have to say you painted a heck of a picture with the spit and the sand and the boob.
Which may be all well and good but you're missing that it will lose a lot of appeal when I'm snoring and drooling. :lol: