It did take a while didnt it, we have 2 students coming from France, we had to make sure we were going to be here, we just need a few practice runs with some heavy drinking, and not sure about the 4am cheese burgers,maybe a steak and some taters :shock:
Dave post more pics, we need some inspiration to get us through these cold winter months hi martin & marianne. looking forward to meeting you guys, looks like it's going to be one hell of a holiday, funnily enough, we dont have to many pic's, never take the camera out to the pool, unless we know friends are leaving, and they want pics on the last day, and would'nt post any pics on here that we know people would'nt be happy with ( not that we have many of them sort either :cry: ) we would'nt want our picture taken at the pool with sue barely clothed , and we respect everyone else there as we would like to be respected, there was a guy once that was taking pic's of sue and her friend, they both went and got security and they took his camera away, if we take any pic's, we always get their permission first, so sue took a few of the booze cruise, ( that was our 3rd booze cruise with steve) and moaned like hell, cause i did'nt take any, but was having such a good time, and was probably wrecked anyway to take any :lol: HOLY CRAP....! It looks cold. That chicks nipples are blue..! lol derek, so when we got home, we did some amateurish editing :lol: , most of that group were from canada, great bunch of people, we cant wait to return again, should be great, 10 more weeks of waiting till we :daveandmo: :michaelf: :flash: :ass: last day for some last year :cry: :cry: afew of us having a gret time as usual, always have a great time in great company. me & derek 07. and how could i leave bev & chris out.
We totally agree with that statement, we are intending to bring down our rubber masks of some celebrities, who can we screw with lol lol, we figure about 10 mins doing something nasty and it will make the internet... :shock:
how about we find some sticks on the beach, tie them together, get a bed sheet for a sail and 3 dozen corona's and set sail on our own booze cruise :daveandmo: :ladiesman: I guess we will need a rudder too lol lol
Good god as dead as this thread got Im starting to think you all lied to me on the dates you were going and left without me :shock: *crickets chirping*