Okay everyone I've got a new diet tip for you to try. Starvation, it really works!! I've been sick all week in bed with tonsellitus and I can't eat because I can't swallow. I'm so hungry I don't think I'm going to make it. :lol: But this has been my first day of semi normalness so I'm seeing food hopefully in my near future. As far as the weather here, it's been rainy and chilly and I'm soooo ready to lay in some sun and drink. April can't get here fast enough!!!!!!!!!!! :johnc:
No need to be scared of me Sandra ,but it is always an adventure anywhere I go.As far as that bus ride,nothing to do but laugh at yourself.We actually werent on the bus for three hours.We stopped at Margaritavilles the 2nd time by.Had to sit there for an hour so my old buddy Keith could sip his margaritta because Montazuma had him scared to get outside ten quick paces from a bathroom. Thats the kind of stories that make these trips so worth it.Well aside from lounging around with many half naked women that is. Trust me,you will have some stories when you get back from this adventure :lol: Right Ed? BTW anyone wanting to sign up for my bus tour can do so on this thread.Its 25 bucks per person and is not all inclusive.You will get to see the sights in downtown cancun at least twice if not 3-4 times depending on how many times I choose not to get off at the right stop.If you suffer from car sickness you may want to opt for the resort instead.Please bring your own bus fair as well.I would bring at least $3.90 along just in case.Thanks and feel free to sign up now
maybe you should consider moving to cancun and becoming a guide!! :cdncat: i'd let all of my friends know about you, bet it would be a great time!!! susan
Well if all the "bad girls" are on the bus ride with Chet then he will have the most fun!!!! Only the good die young. As for a photo we will have one to Steve tonight.
Sue, you definitely are sweet, now for the proper part, hmmmm. Can't wait to see everyone. Dave are you practicing your volleyball techniques?[/img]
Sandy, Bummer about being sick. Hope you get to feeling better soon. Just keep thinking of Dos Equis, tequila shots and layin' half nekkid at the pool.
I aint no dummy for sure. Ok Susan Im packing my bags now to head to cancun to be a bus guide guy.Send um down.I can also be a mamogram tech,and a gynocologist.Im a jack of all trades
Updated roll call.........**************if i missed anyone....message me with the info and i will include on the next update....Rick Halifaxdan ………………………………....Mar 29 - Apr 5 Michmacs ( Rob & Beth )………………….Apr 1 - 9 Slimjim1974.…………………………….....Apr 7 - 14 Capcodders1.………………………...……..Apr 9 - 17 Blake&Lisa ( Blake & Lisa )………………..Apr 10 - 14 Woody & Sue ( The Woodman )….………..Apr 14 - 23 NickyD………………………………...........Apr 15 - 20 Skjudd ( Kristi & Sean ) ……………………Apr 16 - 20 Btodde………………………………...........Apr 16 - 22 Matt & Susan ( Matt and Susan )…………..Apr 16 - 22 Ken & Joyce ( Kenandjoyce )…..…………Apr 16 - 23 Ed & Susan ( Ed&susan )………………….Apr 16 - 23 Sandra ( skh102067 )……….…………….Apr 16 - 23 Chet ( Chet )……………………………....Apr 16 - 23 Derek & Sassy ( Derek_and_sassy )……….Apr 16 - 24 Sue & Dave ( Suedave )……………….…..Apr 16 - 30 Van & Bernie ( Van&bernie )……………..Apr 16 - 30 Cancun181 ( Ben & Kristi ).……...……….Apr 17 - 23 Beverly & Chris ( Beverly )………………Apr 17 - 28 Rebecca_hill ( Rebecca & Dan )………..Apr 19 - may 3 Holm_fan………………………………....Apr 20 - 27 ???????????????????? Rick & Monica ( Osiferrick )……………..Apr 20 - 27 Jdhill35.……………………………............Apr 23 - 30 Cheryl & Paul ( CherylnPaul )………………Apr 27 - may 4 PaulAndDarcy ( Paul & Darcy )………………Apr 28 - May 5