We looked at some different options yesterday, deciding on where we may want to leave from Wichita or Kansas City. We're procrastinating because we're being cheap!! We're so used to using flier miles that seeing the "real" price of tickets is a shocker!! :shock: So Ed, I guess you'll have to continue hoping and begging for a little longer!! :wink: Susan
WOW I know how you can get there for half the cost ! Oops not a good plan, I guess we want to see Matt too Just kidding, we will keep hoping with lots of begging thrown in for good measure....
Too funny.Why dont ya just get to the point Ed. What fun would it be without Matt there?Would have no locals trying to sell ya hash and the refer lol.Make it happen Susan,We are already starting to get into party mode.I dont think you will be able to live with yourself if you miss the new dance moves I am working on!!
I'm glad to see there will be a little love for Matt, if he decides to join me!! All I can say is.......you'll have to keep waiting :lol: !! Hang in there!! By the way Chet, I hope there really are some new dance moves, I'd hate to show up and be disappointed!! Susan
Ed and Susan, when will you be going? We will be there the 17th-28th. Maybe this time we'll get to chat a bit more than just on your arrival day.
That sooooo sounds like a challenge.I didnt even crack the surface of what I have in my bag of moves Baby!
Bev&Chris We get in the day before the two of you this time, be there thru the 23rd. Looking forward to visiting with both of you. Weird all three trips we have made have been same times as you guys!
Definitely good weird ! Try to do something about the weather this trip Bev ,I'm just now drying out...