2nd time April 28->May 5 It looks like we'll be back for our 2nd visit April 28th - May 5th. Can't wait!
A thong?!?! Now this I gotta see, I know I suggested earlier that you guys should wear them, but I never thought I'd see it happen! You go ahead Chet and show up at 7:30 in your thong, maybe they'll include you in the show with the models!!! I've been quietly observing, seeing what kind of trouble you and Ed will stir up next!! By the way Ed, did you get my PM lastnigt?? I swear it was Matt not me!! Susan
I have officially cut Ed off for awhile from this forum, I have to reign him in from time to time, or he gets completely out of control! LOL Actually he's busy at work today, but I am considering hiding his laptop power cord :roll: Hi Susan, Yes we received your PM - I had a suspicion it was Matt, because it just sounded like a guy thing. Personally, if Ed ever decides to parade around in a thong-backwards or forward, I will be forced to hold a pillow over his head until he stops kicking! :lol: Just kidding honey (maybe) Susan W.
I don't know what to do with all this posting from you Susan W.! I'm so accustomed to talking to Ed on here that it just seems like a sense of stability has come over this forum now that you're not letting him post. :bow:
Yes, it's true, I am the stable one in this relationship. It seems to work for us. Fortunately, I feel no such restraints when I am in Cancun, whew! :michaelf:
That's what Ed keeps telling me. I've always thought of myself as the wild sister but I'm not so sure now. :flash:
Uh oh the cats out of the bag!!!! Actually Keith told me you were topless :wink: I am too much of a gentleman :roll: