Okay, we're officially in as of this afternoon. We land at 12:40 on the 16th for 2 weeks so should be at Temptations around 2 ish. Looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new. Quite a few of us getting in on the 16th....could be a runawayyyy. Dave, the only time I've ever lost in naked tequila volleyball was when you and I were on the same team...hmmmm. I think Bev is right...you always blame me but we know the truth. You like rolling in the sand naked and get covered with iced water....Derek agrees with me. Body painting, cup size for names, CPR, boob divots....I think we could get some sort of ladies competition going for the boob divots. So hi to all...old friends and new.....will keep in touch. GIDDYUP Rick & Vanessa (i know, doesn't start with an S....maybe Vanessa can have a special ferrying job like the tequila runs...Sue's favorite)
Ok....got this idea from Jaime.....Again, Thx Jaime Slimjim1974.………………………........…….....Apr 7 - 14 Capcodders1.…………………….......…...……..Apr 9 - 17 Woody & Sue ( The Woodman )….………..Apr 14 - 23 Btodde………………………………....................Apr 16 - 22 Matt & Susan ( Matt and Susan )…………..Apr 16 - 22 Ken & Joyce ( Kenandjoyce )…..…...………Apr 16 - 23 Ed & Susan ( Ed&susan )…………......……….Apr 16 - 23 Sandra ( skh102067 )……….……….......…….Apr 16 - 23 Chet ( Chet )…………………………..........…....Apr 16 - 23 Derek & Sassy ( Derek_and_sassy )…….Apr 16 - 24 Sue & Dave ( Suedave )……………....….…..Apr 16 - 30 Van & Bernie ( Van&bernie )………......…..Apr 16 - 30 Cancun181.…………………….…............……….Apr 17 - 23 Beverly & Chris ( Beverly )………......………Apr 17 - 28 Rick & Monica ( Osiferrick )………….......…..Apr 20 - 27 Jdhill35.…………………………….......................Apr 23 - 30 Cheryl & Paul ( CherylnPaul )…………...……Apr 27 - may 4 If I missed anyone or put any wrong info..please let me know and I will update it....Can't wait to party with everyone. C'mon APRIL!!!....Rickdogg
hi rick & vanessa, like the new avatar, 3 good looking birds and a bernie, :lol: , great that you could make it, looks like we are going to have a great time, as usual, how come you always get there before us, just know your going to get the good room, :lol: , hope there's some rooms left when we get there, quite a few flying in on that day,have a beer and a bacardi waiting for us, and for the record, i won a game against you last year, but i had chino's on my side, and he never lost , you know sue dont like tequila, but always take's one for the team, will have them lined up again this year, :lol: :beerdrink: remember last year, when the girl's said we could have a day off, and said they would get the drink's , lasted one round i think, they were gone what seem's like an hour :cry: , they are just sneaky :lol: , sue could make a nice couple of divots , chat soon buddies, love sue & dave, PS, sue said we have a new sport for you, it's called sailing, you can do it blindfold, dont make much differance if i have the rudder, :lol:
Hey just remember you old fart, your the one that said it's on. ha halolHey Dave, u no u love me. old fart, my arse, derek said it's on now ( thanks mate :lol: ), you know we love you, :lotsoflove: , you know i will pick my moment, when you and the other evil twin are least expecting it, :lol: :lol: :evil: , was nice last time to see you at the pool, instead of being in bed, :lol: , all those night's of you staying out till, 6am, and then chris falling over outside our room, swearing, we new it was you :lol: , cya soon, take care, love dave & sue xxx
Way to go osiferrick, really helps keep everyone straight! Be sure to add my Cabana Boy NickyD in there ha ha ha :lol: And I think all us girls need to show him what being wiser and more mature is all about!!! He'll never be the same again! :wink: Sandra
ok my turn Alright, so far I have been letting Martin do all the talking, and I have just been reading and keeping up. This is what I think....I am glad my name doesn't start with S cause I don't want to have to stick my boobs through a cardboard cut out just to see what you are going to call me all week :roll: I guess I will have a job to do like carrying drinks, just because my name doesn't start with S. And I am really worried about Sandra getting loose with the body paints especially if Ed is passed out around the pool. I also want to know why Sandra gets her own cabana boy. I can't wait to go and I think I should start packing now, Martin says I am only allowed 1/4 of the small suitcase. Merianne
Re: ok my turn Hello Merianne! First I'd like to say I don't want to stick my boobs through anything cardboard. :lol: Secondly I have learned early on to not be the prankster (body paints on Ed) unless I am willing to be pranked on. So Ed is safe from me. :wink: Thirdly, I get my own cabana boy because I'm the CHIT Baby! (Said with my best mexican accent.) :lol: okay everyone stop laughing now....come on get up off the floor.....hey enough is enough.....(in all seriousness I am SOOOO NOT the CHIT, I'm more talk than action) Has anyone seen Derek?....oh yeah he's propped up in the corner passed out. Man after my own heart! Sandra