benanddeanna23, looks like you'll be there during some of our time there (16-23) will be great to meet you! Sandra
I was only 2nd place :cry: ....the first loser!! But yes, I would probably be up for some more competition!! That is if all the guys are willing to wear the g-strings that I heard your Susan is going to buy for them!! Hey Chet, are you in?!? Susan
I never back down from a dare! Im not scared of a g-string! I like to wear um backwards and split the boys up for awhile :shock:
sandra, ask him what the wierd ass stuff is ?, sure you will be able to understand us, if not we can bring pen and paper, :lol: , benanddeanna, looking forward to meeting you both, looks like a good crowd going already, cant wait.
:blueshock: OMG Chet! You did not just say split the boys up.....would you mind not standing within 20 feet of me on lingerie night? :lol:
Chet, as long as you dont need a wheel barrow, we hear they grow big in your state LMAO....dont take no crap Sandra lol lol
SueandDave - I'll have to get him to tell me again I've blocked it out of my mind like a cancer....ha ha ha One thing I do know is that Brits drink all the bloody time!!! I threw bloody in there for your benefit ha ha ha. So I think you'll be able to drink all of us under the table. m+lforever - Don't you worry, I don't think I can be shocked. Well Ed may be able to shock me just because he's family. :? Sandra