We have never paid it, but we also purchase a "package" where the hotel, air, transfers, etc are included in the price. If you purchase the hotel separate from air, then you may have to pay it. I would call whoever you booked through and confirm. Not something I would like to be surprised with when I am trying to leave the country.
I have been to Mexico twice, once was one week ago and once was last year and we didnt have to pay any $45 to leave country. I have never heard of that. You just have to fill out a paper to go through customs and the airline provides that.
Oh my god its here, its actually time to go!!!!!!!!!! cant wait to meet everyone from the board, I don't remember names so if you see me or big Al come and say hello.....want to here something stupid, tan all year long but the day before we leave i decide to go to a new place use a new lotion and actually burn........I burned before even getting to Cancun...but i'm good it wasn't all that bad and i'm good to go...see yah tomorrow.... :michaelf: :michaelf: