Neil and Melanie here. Snowing in Winnipeg already. We need some sun and fun. We hope the weather is great and the fun non stop. We'll buy you two a drink on the 15th. Take care.
Steve and Candy here.. Two months until our second visit to Temptation. Arriving January 19th until 26th..
Jack and Annette from California will be at Temptations from Jan 15th thru the 22nd.....less than 2 months away! Hope to meet all of you there!
Travis here, I'll be down 13-20th for my second trip with 3 others on their first! ANYONE willing to come to the bull fighs on wed.?
i like steak,but i like my bulls killed quickly not enduring a slow and painful death.sorry for being a downer
No problem, some cultures don't see it the same way as most of us. But I haven't witnessed it yet myself so I'm not going to knock it till I try it :michaelf: Plus I understand they use the meat of the killed bull to feed the poor so it can't be all that bad?