Anyone Heard This Rumor?

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by RiverGirl, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    A notorious rumor-monger I know (my husband) just told me not to go to Starbucks in Cancun because there's some kind of boycott or protest and someone is poisoning their coffee.

    Now I feel a bit irresponsible typing this, since I'm 99% sure it's pure bunk. But I was curious if anyone has heard anything that could be the root of this rumor?

    I've got a meeting scheduled for Friday at unless gobs of folks start falling dead before then I'll be there.
  2. CancunCanuck

    CancunCanuck Guest

    +0 / 0
    Haven't heard that one and I am a junkie for the local news sites and local blogs in Spanish. Lots of rumours, but not that one, new to me!
  3. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    Ok good, forget I mentioned it. I'm embarrassed to have perpetuated it. Had coffee at Starbucks on Monday and noticed it was better than usual even...
  4. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Is it possibly something to do with the contaminated milk they found in the freezone imported from China? One would think not, but you know how rumours circulate.
  5. cunspin

    cunspin Guest

    +0 / 0
    I read something about the Melanine in some milk product in Starbucks beverages in Guatemala and Belize, so it probably has something to do with that. Also Starbucks has disclaimers in todays QueQui.
  6. CancunCanuck

    CancunCanuck Guest

    +0 / 0
  7. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    I think between the grumpiness about the coupons and the tainted milk scare that I've found my rumor source. If you combine the two and add some b.s. and let it sit you get a bad rumor.
  8. jen***

    jen*** Guest

    +0 / 0
    Is this the two for one coupon, I used one without a problem in the Starbucks in Plaza whatsitcalled - where La Europea is.
  9. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    Cancun. QR, Mexico
    +0 / 0
    I go to Starbucks at Plaza Hollywood every day. They have been dropping like flies every day. I am surprised this is not all over the news. Only the frappucinos seem safe. Avoid all other drinks, exept the teas.

    It is disconcerting to watch someone fall out of their chair, writhing around on the floor until they just suddenly cease to move. Very sad. But Starbucks is so popular this seems to have no adverse effect on their business except it takes a bit longer to place your order, with people gawking at the fallen customers. Only Frappucino Mocha Blanco for me.
  10. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    Oh goody! So it's true! I have a sbux date on Monday, can't wait to watch the writhing...
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