Anyone have an English OS / Keyboard laptop for sale?

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Steve, Mar 17, 2009.

  1. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Due to our recent burglary I'm looking to buy a laptop asap, to tide me over until I can get permanent replacements.

    It must have an English OS and keyboard, be no more than 3 years old and be able to be formatted back to scratch. If you do have one that fits the requirements please let me know the spec and price you are looking for.
  2. Susan in Cancun

    Susan in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0


    I'm sorry about your robbery and am glad you and your family are safe. My apartment was robbed about 6 months after I moved here...and I was INSIDE the apartment at the time. I woke to find the burglar rummaging through my things. Anyway, after that, I got bars on windows and doors and bought dogs. Now, a leaf can't fall on my street without the dogs my letting me know. ;-) If you don't have bars on all windows and doors, get them. If you don't have a dog, head over to RAP and get one today.

    Enough about that need a computer. It is not an immediate fix, but I got my PC from Dell and it was built and delivered to me within 2 weeks. I think it was 10 days from the time I ordered until they knocked on my door with all the boxes in hand. I was very impressed with the speed and I love my computer. I could've ordered online at (i THINK it has the .mx), but I chose to call and speak to a live human instead. I spoke to someone in English, in the US, and made sure I got my OS in English and that my keyboard was the English version as well. Well worth the money to get exactly what I wanted.

    Good luck!
  3. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Problem solved for now. I've borrowed an English system from Tom until I get my new desktop at the end of the month. Susan, I ordered via Dell too. When you visit the Dell Mexico page once you switch the language to English then anything you order will be English... so I am led to believe!

    Hmmm dogs, I dont think I could bring myself to have any. I dont care much for them and I'm sure our "guard cats" wouldnt take too kindly either. I think we'll have to settle for an alarm system that we are discussing with the landlord.
  4. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    I had a good experience with Dell Mexico when I bought my monitor.

    Maybe you need a cd of a big dog barking, it could be on a motion-sensor so it barks when someone walks by the gate...personally I'd rather have an actual dog though...
  5. Susan in Cancun

    Susan in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0

    Glad you got the computer issues sorted out, Steve. I ordered my computer a couple of years ago so the Dell site might be different now. At that time, I had the option of ordering a comp with the OS in either English or Spanish and I had the same option with the keyboard. It sure would've been easier to just switch to English on the site and then know it's all going to be in English. Please report back and let us know about your Dell experience.

    Regarding the cd of a dog barking, did you guys see the Harmon Hall commercial (I THINK it was for HH, but maybe for Berlitz) that showed someong trying to break into a house and then they left when they heard a dog bark?? Well, after the bark, they showed a cat and the caption said something like "anyone can learn a second language". Very cute. Maybe your cat's can learn to speak dog. ;-)
  6. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Re: laptop

    I remember seeing those same options maybe 6 months ago, so it's probably a recent change. I couldnt find any options to order specific languages today which worried me so I used the Live Chat and they assured me that using their English page is sufficient to receive an English product. Cross fingers and hope.
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