just wondering if it's any good or not. Look's like it's on Thursday, and we touch down that day, so I'm thinking of going there after the lingere contest. Anyone gone?
i am going to respectfully disagree with nj :wink: no hard feelings here and i do realize that ive only been to basic one time and yes it was at the end of a trip and we were pretty much run down and yes i readily admit i dont particularly like places where its raining men through everything including the sprinkler system............ so with those personal issues given...... unless you were a 16 year old female or the kind of guy who likes to dance to dancing queen and true colors (not that there is anything wrong with that of course ) - - - - it was not any fun whatsoever - as the ratio on this one horrific night was like 73 men for every 1 lady - and the average age was probably about 14 1/2 on this one night..................... and worst thing of all ???? they played worse music than nice shoes plays after casino lingerie night so to sum things up - just my opnion though k go if you (a) like young men (not that there is anything worng with that of course) (b) if you tried your best - but still just cant seem to get enough techno at nice shoes we tried to stay and get into it but it just got worse and worse and all those men got me sick to my stomach - we bailed like a rich frat boy and went to dady rock and had a blast now logic - im not telling you that my opinion is the correct one - this was just a one night in basic expereince - but just want to give you another view - so you can make an informed decision wish you the best whichever way you go - but - before you decide to go.. check out this picture from our only trip to basic and (most people knowing how t and april showers party all night long)...........then going on the premise that every picture tells a story - k - you tell me what this picture says about the place? rob
<---- Techno DJ (of the Detroit Techno variety) hehe... I'll take a look at the pic when I get home (most pic hosting sites are blocked here). Thanks for the info.
Wow, that chick looks pissed! You should have given her more booze! We went to Basic a few years back with Lalo and had a great time. He sat us with the owners so we had more to drink that night than we ever have. We were doing shots of something that came with a lime sprinkled in coffee. Sounds gross but was really good. We left at about 6 am and had to be at the airport by 10, only time we've left Cancun drunk. I remember the music sucked bad at first then went to hip hop and I think ended in techno. Plus the bouncy floor is not good when you can't stand on your own. That was before the hurricane so not sure what it's like now.
The only foam party I know about is down at the Grand Oasis, at last I think that was it.. They have one at that big club Basic? News to me.