yes, get a few of the UK herd members there at least!! me and my girl are rocking the US Herd all the way!!
She drinks more during the week than I do, and she CAN drink as much as me when we party!! Have not seen her become a victim yet, but there is always Cancun to start that!! hahahaha she is herd material!! For sure!
yes, just not sure i want to make cancun that place! I will likely be wasted, and have to take care of her!! So, cancun is NOT my first choice for her to be past out, haha. But..... we will see
Chavs are an embarrassment to our nation. Unfortunately quite often these are the only contact that a lot of foreigners will have with english people so assume we're all like this. Everywhere they go they have to make a point of letting people know 'ooh look at me i'm english aren't I unique'. Err no you're no different from all the other chav twats! Like that ignorant one asking on here what the drugs are like! Keep this post at the top, but I doubt many will have the brains to read it...
Sambo, I so agree with what you have just said. It is an embarrassment big time. Trouble is there seems to be more and more everytime you go abroad. Bye Adam
Greetings fellow Cancun enthusiasts and party animals. I'm out…ehhrmm, yes, out of lurker mode that is… Yes, a classic post to be sure. Q1) Is it true that American girls love us Brits? One question though for the English ladies: Is the reverse true? Do English females dig American guys? Do they like the American accent?:wink: