i cant imagine my hotel )dos playas) being any more different than the Tzante hotel in zante (opposite the pizza hut!) i stayed in last year... but i know the people will be different and its a stones throw from the carribbean! us english get about eveywhere anyway!
I think the majority of the people I met last time was people from London, after a while you could spot them even before you heard the accent...
haha, what about it?? is some of it too mad? theres a lot of pretty boy hair styles around at the mo! what the typical amercian hair style?? short back and sides??
The Londoners had the same hair, look like they took their two hands and made a mo-hawk like point in the middle...Had to be there to know... Seems they all have that "look"
i know exactly what you mean... you wont see me sponsoring a mo-hawk tho....no way... probably why there are some sob storys about not pulling....