ahhh... look at that water. I must go back someday. As for the tourist that lost his life, I certainly hope that the investigation provides closure to the family and friends of that man.
It was 21 below at my house in Red Wing, MN this morning. Not a problem I work outside as a land surveyor, I once remeber working in 15-20 below temps with a 50 below wind chill right on the Mississippi River. That was cool..... Only 23 days until my thaw out!
Thanks Steve I was going to do that but got busy. Is there going to be a CC boozo cruise or greet and meet between March 1st and 10th? Didnt get to meet you last year. Would like to meet the master of this domain. Gonzo
Yes, we have one on the 4th or 6th, date not 100% fixed yet as we have three more to do before then! See this thread for details: http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=28551