Another tourist died today

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by TraceyUk, Feb 1, 2007.

  1. jenleib

    jenleib Addict Registered Member

    May 18, 2005
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    St Pete/Fort Lauderdale
    +0 / 0
    I read the article and all the comments of the previous post: it seems unlikely it is a suicide, the guy loved life and was loved by everyone around.

    What a horrible tragedy! One thing seems sure: the balconies are not safe. How could they deliver the permit???

    Between fires and deaths, what happens at Cancun? All seems about lack of security...
  2. Venom

    Venom Guest

    +0 / 0
    Dream, I'm over it, dont worry about me.

    I am suprised there arent more stories like this. Especially during the spring break season. You know how lots of the breakers get really drunk and crazy. I would think there were more accidents like this.
  3. Venom

    Venom Guest

    +0 / 0 are a good bouncer!
  4. Life_N_Cancun

    Life_N_Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    There seems to be a great deal of confusion about this. A local paper reported that his name was Adam Slopher not the guy in the link just posted. It also included one detail that pushes me towards Suicide or "crazy behavior".

    "El turista, que estaba totalmente desnudo" (the tourist was totally naked)

    Who knows what really happened, but its a tragedy one way or another, and I hope that no one who saw him fall is too traumatized.
  5. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I'd be inclined to go with the UK local newspaper link that Barnstyke posted, especially considering the condolence messages posted from his friends.

    I'm not sure it's that crazy to be naked in your room on vacation, nevertheless a sad story.
  6. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
  7. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    What an ugly thing to say about Cancun! I think the average age of a tourist coming to Cancun is between 30 and 35. Of course Cancun has a reputation for being a party town, but it's a lot more than that too.
  8. amers

    amers Guest

    +0 / 0
    I too think that is awful to say about Cancun, we have never gone there during Spring Break just because of the stereo type that you hear, but have been there other times and have had a blast. From all that I have read is that Cancun is trying to get away from that reputation, and are doing a good job of it. Cancun is beautiful, all of the hotels look so beautiful, the water, you can go on and on. We have been there as a couple and a family, and have always had a wonderful time. That is too bad about the tourist who died, but not right to just stereo type Cancun like that. Just my two cents.
  9. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    Cancun. QR, Mexico
    +0 / 0
    AOL News Reports Cocaine Involved - From Associated Press

    CANCUN, Mexico (AP) - A 34-year-old British tourist plunged to his death from the 14th floor of a hotel in the Caribbean resort of Cancun, a British Foreign Office spokesman confirmed Friday.

    Mujib Ali confirmed the death of the man, who he said was from the "greater Manchester area."

    "Mexican police are investigating the incident," Ali said. He added that the Foreign Office was not releasing the man's identity or confirming "any personal details" about him at his family's request.

    Mexican authorities employees of the Riu Cancun hotel told them the tourist had a noisy argument with a woman believed to be his girlfriend before he fell at 12:30 p.m. Thursday.

    The woman told police that the two had been fighting and shoving each other after a morning spent drinking beer and consuming cocaine, but that the man's fall was caused when he tripped and then fell accidentally, investigator Raymundo Canche said.

    Canche said officials were still investigating, however, and planned to keep the woman in custody because some of the details of her testimony did not match statements by witnesses at the hotel.
  10. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    Someone who has been drinking all night and doing coke is probably a lousy witness. I imagine the girlfriend isn't even clear in her head what actually happened. This whole thing just sucks.

    It seems like some tourists come here thinking that Cancun is inside a protected bubble, as though the laws of physics don't apply here. Somehow they think it's ok to just plain overdo it here.

    But tourists die almost every week in Cancun. We mention it occasionally on this board. But it happens quite frequently, literally every week or two. People come and commit suicide, or have heart attacks, or overdose on drugs or drink themselves to death. I hate to say it but it is normal here. What's unusual about this death is that it's not clear cut what happened and it was very public.
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