hedo is fun but much more pricy ! there used to be 2 (Hedo2and Hedo 3) pretty sure there is only one now , Negril Jamaica
Costa Rica has Copacabana which is all inclusive and adults only. There is a topless pool and a nude pool. We enjoyed Blue Bay in DR Porta Plata very much too where topless at the pool is okay and the all inclusive rate was 70 dollars a day! We think both are super fun. We don't like to limit ourselves to one resort either. We always look for resorts like Temptation and we have been repeat visitors 10 times but we have been many others and needless to say if you pick a decent at least 3 star resort the fun will be what you make it. Blue Bay and Copa are only two examples but it doesn't seem very adventurous to never step out of the Temptation resort. If you study and look into other places you will be surprised what you can find! Of course, your mileage may vary. It'd be fun reading others experiences similar to Temptation also!