Rawkus' claim of 10's of thousands of pedophiles in Cancun is certainly high. But if any of you remember the Jean Succar Kuri case and the publication of Lydia Cacho's book Demons of Eden you know that child prostitution in Cancun, and subsequent sex tourism, does exist here, and unfortunately it's probably a lot more prevalent than any of us realize. More info here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lydia_Cacho#Los_Demonios_del_Ed.C3.A9n Jean Succar Kuri, is to this day (if I'm not mistaken) a major owner at Solymar. And if I understand correctly many of the crimes he was accused of allegedly took place here in Cancun.
RG: I remember the story of the poor female reporter... Let me clarify(again ) that I didnt mean "living in Cancun" as such, but harboring as in "protecting/not doing jack about it". Since South East Asia are clamping down on child sex tourism, these idiots have turned their heads towards Mexico and Central America The last I heard(some 1 month ago) was that Acapulco is still #1, closely followed by Cancun, Ciud Juarez, Mex City, Tijuana and "others"... The laws are here - lets hope they start reinforcing them. In Thai they would grab a guy once in a while to "show off" to the world news medias... Outside on the street however, nothing really changed. Mexico can learn from these countries and try to fight it BEFORE it gets as bad. But this is a huge income for these cities, so its an uphill struggle for sure. But one can never give up, right?
Jean Succar Kuri indeed owns units in Solymar. However he owns under 32% of the total units, and some of those are in question with deeds that are hard to trace, so he may not even own them. As for his crimes yes they were done mostly in Cancun and with all the evidence around they were not alleged. And his network of pedophiles from the tourists to the government officials he had and may still have on his payroll helped him for a long time to avoid jail. However he is in jail and will probably never leave his cell to be a free man again.
I never knew about all this , I feel sick to my stomach. I really thought I knew Cancun , but I never , ever thought that stuff was happening here!!!!