Another fear-mongering article in Canada about Mexico.

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Cancunscorpio, Jan 3, 2012.

  1. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I could, but I'd rather not. I try not to delete anything unless it's spam, blatant advertising or duplicate threads.

    If I were to delete threads like this I'd get accused of covering up to 'protect' Cancun and my business. Maybe not directly, but people might think it and really there is nothing to cover up. All the incidents above took place a long way from Cancun, thousands of miles away in areas known to be dangerous. Yet the headline in each case screams "Canadian Killed / Beaten in Mexico".

    We have a lot of Canadian tourists browsing this forum who are considering visiting the area so when links like this are posted some may take it at face value without delving into the story any deeper and they may not realise every single one of these incidents has happened thousands of miles away from Cancun.

    You say that you are defending Mexico by posting the links but in fact you are just doing the same disservice to the country as the Canadian media are by misleading folks that the country as a whole is dangerous and that they should stay away.

    For sure if there is a similar incident in Cancun then it's a serious valid point for discussion, but until then (if it ever happens - let's hope not) let's keep discussions relevant to the area of Mexico we are about.
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