Seems to be another person.. Another Canadian Allegedly Attacked In Mexico Tuesday May 8, 2007 Once is a tragedy. Twice is a coincidence. You can only wonder what Canadian authorities and travellers will make of yet a third potentially deadly incident involving a local tourist in Mexico. The latest case concerns an Alberta father named Jeff Toews. The 34-year-old remains on life support in Cancun and his family fears he's not likely to survive. But just what happened to Toews remains shrouded in mystery. His brother Murray is at his bedside and insists his sibling suffered a brutal beating - and that local officials are trying to cover it all up. "He received serious head injuries, four blows to the head and he's been beat very bad on his back," the brother relates. A healthy Toews was last seen going back to his room after a late night of drinking and partying with friends at the Moon Palace Golf and Spa Resort. But when he didn't return, a search was launched and his body turned up not long after. His family insists the Grand Prairie resident showed obvious signs of trauma, but in an eerie echo of several past cases, Mexican authorities are adamant there's no evidence of foul play. "He wasn't beaten. He fell from a second storey of the hotel where he was staying," maintains Bello Melchor Rodriguez y Carrillo, the attorney general of Quintana Roo. "That's the report that we have from the security guard from the hotel, and the report we're getting from the hospital too." If that last name sounds familiar, it should - he's the same official charged with looking into the deaths of Domenic and Nancy Ianiero at another Mexican resort in February 2006. His conclusions in that case were similar, but he's been called an outright liar by Ianiero family lawyer Eddie Greenspan, who alleges he's simply protecting the country's lucrative tourist trade. The family of another Woodbridge resident, Adam De Prisco, also maintains their son died under suspicious circumstances outside Acapulco last January. And that same month, a tourist from Chatham was killed in a hit and run in Guadalajara - the same cause of death Mexicans claim killed De Prisco.
Denise-n-Jayson and I have been PM'ing each other about it since yesterday. There was nothing about it in the regional online papers yesterday and I haven't checked 'em today yet. One update by a Canadian paper indicates he was found on the golf course. If that's the case, it's highly doubtful he fell from an upper-storey room. Still looking for clarification on that detail.
The other articles we read:
you will be fine! Cancun is just like any city in the world, there is crime, but its generally random! Cancun is safe, you will have a great time, just be cautious of who you are with and you will be all good!
Cheers mate :wink: I always work on the basis of "If your looking for trouble, you will always find it wherever"
ya, cancun is way cool, no worries down there, that just seemed to be an isolated accident! For the most part, cancun is extremely safe, I have personally never saw anything bad happen to people, other than idiots pissing out in public and getting in trouble haha.
One incident like this to one of the thousands staying at the MP? I don't immediately recall a similar event at the MP, and if it happened more than once in a short period of time then I would start having reservations. It appears to be an isolated incident, and I pray that it was truly an accident and not an assault on the property. Because if it is a genuine assault, then someone is getting away with murder.