We have been on 2. Loved every minute of both of them and will be booking 2 more (we Are in TTR for 2 weeks, end may -beginning of june) and cant wait! Both have been awesome and bith we have been naked. Sure you would enjoy x
I have exactly one Boobs Cruise worth of experience to share. So you have to take that for what it's worth You can have a lot of fun just being there and partying with your spouse. You choose how much you interact with the other people on the cruise. It was a cool bonding experience and ice breaker where we met folks that we then had a great time with back at the resort. I think the Mrs and I would fall on the more reserved/conservative side of the boat and we still had a really good time. Don't sweat it. There is plenty of space to spread out and you can be as close to or as far away from the wild parts. (Like a friend who made sure he was first in line so he could be up front! Looking at you Mike!) No one was forcing anyone to do anything. The girls were playfully encouraged by the entertainment crew to lose their tops. On our trip their was one or two holdouts at the start of the trip, who with further encouragement along the way did finally relent. For you ladies, If you feel like being topless on a "Boobs Cruise" isn't your thing, sitting in the front row is probably not the best idea. I did see more naked guys than all the years combined since my time in locker rooms. Chinos offered 100 "Mexican Dollars" for being the first person to get completely nude on the boat. That "prize" was "won" by a gentleman about 10 feet to my left whom Chinos then referred to as "Donkey Balls" for the remainder of the trip. It was pretty funny I don't think that was the goal with the "contest" as there were many more lovely female type options. Most of the rest of the male nudity came after lunch and during the skinny dipping stop. Probably a bit more than half of the boat got naked and jumped in. I didn't feel uncomfortable staying on the boat with trunks on, nor would it have been required to get naked to jump in. A number of people swam with bottoms. The sight of 20 + wet naked ladies did help offset the naked dudes. There were some public displays of affection that went beyond what I would be comfortable with doing in public. I assume there are things that happened that some folks would even refrain from watching. These really didn't effect my enjoyment of the trip though. I just stopped paying attention to what was going on up front and struck up a conversation with the people next to me and had another beer, when I looked back to where we were sitting two girls were making out so that distracted me from whatever else was going on elsewhere on the boat. Now I lost my train of thought........:xyxthumbs: Anyway, We didn't get "hit on" or approached by swingers on the Boobs Cruise. Were there couples on the boat that were into that sort of thing, probably. It is strange, the first time you get approached by someone with that intent and you aren't into that sort of thing it's kind of a shock and awkward. You just have to learn how to respond, so that you are polite and clear its not your thing. I would totally recommend going on a Boobs Cruise. It was a crazy fun time that can't be duplicated anywhere else. Steve has found the perfect recipe and is very good at throwing a floating party.
Thanks to all who replied. We decided not to do it, we just really prefer seeing naked/half naked women instead of hairy balls flopping around...just not our thing I guess. We'll see you in the sexy pool!
Captive audience Syndrome,, hard to walk away when your on a boat. I have seen a few people scared off by Running Buffet claims. I/we respect your decision,, its not for every one.
We have been on 3 cruise and we both get naked pretty much from the dock. Because we can. I personally don't care if a person gets naked or not but I have observed that some of the more conservative people can actually be the vibe killers on the boat. Although Chinos is very good at singling them out and trying to get them to lighten up or suffer the slings and arrows. LOL Like the shirt says, "If you're not here to party then why did you fucking come?' If you can't have a good time on the Boobs Cruise that's a sad thing.