Another way to avoid the fee is to get one of their credit cards. It costs a few bucks more than others, but if you fly more than once or twice a year, it's worth it.
American was bought out by US Airways and they are changing everything to the AA brand but they brought their baggage fees into the mix too.
Yup clarified just few days ago from AA and US airways (found out later they both are same company), so 25 dollar you have to pay for every check in bag second is I think is more expensive 50 lb...1 carry on, 1 personal item that could be a book bag or a purse is allowed So we plan to bring 1 luggage bag and one carry on and one book bag/laptop bag (hopefully that will be enough) we tend to have not too many cloths that take much stuff but damn those shoes I wish they came in collapsible styles... Information from AA agent and US airways
Southwest still has the first TWO bags free...and the flight from Buffalo was pretty cheap for March as well!
I thought that too. Apparently, the free bags with an AA credit card is only for "domestic flights". I asked at the ticket counter. Of course, "what one agent tells you". Anyway, I paid with my AA card in October and still had to pay for my one checked bag ($25 going and $25 returning).
Fly first class and you get 3 free checked bags. At least on United. We are considering trying it out for our next trip. It sure looks nice.
I'm headed down on Delta, in which case I need to check a bag because I'll have sunscreen, shampoo, and some other liquids. I'm flying back on AA, and I'm just going to discard whatever's left of liquids and take only carry-ons.
And they are not limited to the 50 pound weight limit! We flew business class and loved ended up being less than $40 more once we factored in the baggage fees.