LOL, I put on an outfit I wore the last time I was at TTR and I couldn't get my boobs zipped up in the shirt. Always gain in the boobs and the first place to loose it too.....another cruel joke. lol
I (john) tore a ligament in my knee last summer playing beach volleyball. Subsequently gained almost 30lbs from not being able to workout and, obviously, not adjusting diet to compensate for not working out. It took booking our next trip to TTR (Feb 21-28) to give me the kick in the ass iI needed to get back in the gym! I think I need to just book another trip as soon as we get home each time so I always stay motivated.
Just a hunch but my guess is there are more than a few here who are wondering if you can, ummmm, support your statement with photographic evidence. Pretty please. :flash:
It's just so hard to eat right this time of the year with thanksgiving and christmas. We usually kick things up a bit in January when all the food is gone.
Awesome convo. I totally used to be a gym rat. But struggled like crazy to be consistent. Would always fall off the wagon. Now I LOVE at home workouts. Did a 21 Day Program and dropped awesome inches. TTR is GREAT because we can be any shape or size and have an amazing time. But ... a lot of us still want to look our best when roaming around in only bikini bottoms
Weight loss is 75% diet. Nothing magic about it. Work out to stay healthy, eat healthy to lose weight. Very low carb works very well for us. I can lose 3-5lbs a week eating low carb and not work out.
This thread could be used as a sales pitch for the premier membership. You would then workout year round as you know you would always be going back.
Lord knows I like to engage mouth b4 brain but this is just my 2 bits :icon_neutral:... there are so many ways to cheat if you just want to look good for the beach rangehat:rangehat:rangehat: and the best way is a low carb / no carb diet but I find that low carb diets can really f#$% with your metabolism and slow it right down after your back to eating normal :huh: but yr right to drop the weight just drop the carbs .... matter what any1 says to me I HATE IT, hate it, hate it :angrymad: ,ive tried to understand why people will spend a hour on the tread mill after the first 20 minutes I really do not see the point in doing anymore but then again I just hate it so I will find fault in cardio no matter what :icon_neutral: training for the gym is like snakes an ladders week your up the next week your down . this is my advice and once again take it with a grain of salt .. 1.You do this for yourself. the biggest thing I see in people who fail is they try to hard ,they try to hard to please others that they make it a job and that's not what it about . 2.Never give up ,you push yourself forward and take full responsibility on reaching your goal ,have fun doing this is the goal ...
I think if booking a trip gets you motivated to be healthy, use it. Find an activity you like and do it. Find healthy foods you like and eat them. You have to enjoy what you are doing to make it consistent. My hubby and I love weightlifting, so we have no problem getting to the gym. Others prefer to play sports, so that's how they exercise.