this hurricane is making me nervous, you guys take the necessary precautions, get out of town if you can and stay safe.
Get out of town, ok, but to go where? We will probably won't know before Monday. I don't remember the names but one hit Chetumal, another one Merida... We were expecting them in Cancun. It makes me nervous too!!! I have not really recovered from Wilma (trauma) I have already closed half my anticyclonic shutters.
I think if I had the choice I would head south to Guatemala or something along those lines. I'm with R.I. GAL keeping my fingers crossed. 212eric
I have been watching the weather channel all week. Having been in Cancun two weeks following Wilma, my concern is for all of your safety. Please take all the necessary precautions and know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your families. Jaki
Thanks fully when the HT power lines collpased along BOnampak, the CFE decided to stick them underground, where they should have been in the first place. Hopefully, if we do have another line collapse, the local gov will force CFE Telmex and the cable co's to stick it all underground. POnce that is done, due to the style of house construction here, hurricanes will have much less affect on the economy because we'll bounce back a lot quicker.