All Inclusive or European Plan?

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by Steve, Feb 15, 2003.


What do you prefer All Inclusive or European Plan?

  1. All Inclusive

  2. European Plan

  1. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Which do you prefer and why?

    I can see benefits to both.

    European Plan
    Advantages - Encourages you to not spend so much time at your hotel, you can enjoy the different restaurants and bars, spend time away without a feeling of missing out on something.

    Disadvantages - Whilst you are at your hotel you are subject to the prices that they choose to offer, which may not be good. The evenings can be quiet as everyone heads out to find their own entertainment.

    All Inclusive
    Advantages - Drink and eat without worrying how much money you are spending, busy and lively evenings as everyone takes advantage of the free facilities. Dont need to worry about carrying a wallet during the day.

    Disadvantages - More inclined to not leave the premises, subject to same food, drink and restaurants.

    Personal View
    Having stayed both styles I prefer All Inclusive, I drink a fair amount on holiday, with European Plan that can add up to a lot of money. I remember the hotel I stayed at European Plan had happy hour 2 for 1 three times day. They would ring a bell and people would emerge from every crevice of the hotel to stock up on drinks, at the end of the hour they would all disappear again. If you know the story of Pablov's dog you can relate to this.

    When I stay All Inclusive I do leave the hotel to drink and eat anywhere else I like and I am happy to spend days away on tours and trips but it's not a necessity and if I dont want to I dont have to.

    The amount of extra cash I spend staying European Plan is the difference between me having two trips to Cancun a year or one. I prefer two!

    What do others think?
  2. Tbonita

    Tbonita Guest

    +0 / 0
    I think since Cancun is soooo expensive now, that all-inclusive would probably be the best way to go for most people.

    In all my trips to Cancun, I've only done the all-inclusive twice and it's because the price only averaged out to about $12 extra per day. For that price, it was well worth it.

    We ate breakfast and/or lunch at the hotel but mostly ate dinner outside the hotel. Not much for drinking alcohol during the day...I get my fill of tequila every night...but still if you add up how much bottled water and/or soda you drink hanging by the pool/beach during the day, then the extra $12 I paid per day was definitely worth it.

    I personally wouldn't pay for the all-inclusive unless it was a very reasonably priced add-on.
  3. Annette

    Annette Guest

    +0 / 0
    All Inclusive for me

    After going All Inclusive this past November , I can't imagine vacationing any other way. No carrying a wallet ( just tip money), no worries. If I'm running short on cash by the end of the week, at least I'll know I'll eat..and being of Italian is a very important part of my life..LOL.

    Especially when traveling with kids, AI proved to be a life saver. Kids are always looking for a drink, a snack, etc. I could provide all of this without breaking my wallet( those sodas can add up to a pretty penny).

    For me, AI is the way to be!
  4. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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  5. Dave & Mo

    Dave & Mo Guest

    +0 / 0
    We have always gone AI... I drink :lol:

    We always have breakfast at the hotel, drink and snack by the pool and can have lunch / dinner at the hotel if we want. The hotel bars are a big plus for drinks and entainment in the evenings since we don't normally go to the clubs.

    The money we save by going AI gives us cash to eat out several times while there. We have at least one meal out every day.

  6. janie

    janie Guest

    +0 / 0
    I prefer european plan. There are just too many restaurants in Cancun that I like!

    We did the all-inclusive twice, once at the Sierra Hotel and once at the Riu in Playacar.
    In my opinion, the drinks are watered down and the food is mediocre. And after a couple of days the buffet gets tiring.

    The all-inclusives are providing meals for hundreds of guests, so there is no way they can please everyone.

    I also feel that the all-inclusives have hurt the local restaurants economically.
    Last month when we were there the restaurants were empty! We went to Rosa Mexicana downtown and we were the only ones there, it was sad.

    BUT, let me add, if I was taking children or if we were "drinkers" I would definitely choose an AI.
  7. Michael F.

    Michael F. Moderator/1st CC Member Registered Member

    Feb 17, 2003
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    All-Inclusive for me...

    Doesn't mean I won't go for a walkabout away from the resort and experiment once or twice...but I don't want to have to worry about my pocketbook while on holiday. For crying out loud, if I choose a resort because of its pool, amenities, and locale, I mean to spend most of my time there, and if I'm going to stay in one place for a while, I mean to get drunk and not go broke while doing so!!
    :lotsofmichaelf: :beerdrink:

    Addendum...that being said, T wants to try the EP so she can have more flexibility. I really think she wants to stay in the hotel zone this time and not out in the "boonie's" as at the Moon Palace. So we may still go AI...

  8. Kaye from Chicagoland

    Kaye from Chicagoland Newbie Registered Member

    Feb 17, 2003
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    Chicago, IL - USA
    +0 / 0
    all - inclusive

    My last trip to Cancun was the first trip we have taken all-inclusive. I think we saved a bunch of $$$.

    At the rates the prices are now in Cancun - I think it's a great way to go if you like some cocktails poolside!

    Kaye :umbrella:
  9. Mikey

    Mikey Guest

    +0 / 0
    I have done all-inclusive all three times that I have gone. The reason for this is like it has been stated above is that I don't have to worry about carrying a wad of cash when eating except for tips. Also there is nothing keeping you from heading out to a restaurant or two while you are there. To be exact the first two trips my friend and I went out for grub at least once. :beerdrink: during the trips
  10. GolfHo

    GolfHo Guest

    +0 / 0
    Having only done the AI trip I don't feel qualified to comment on the Euro style. But it appears the choice is dependant on your 'vacation style'.

    Don't know the price difference, but I would imagine by the time you figure in the cab ride to an eatery away from the resort, pay for the meal and then pay for each drink while at the resort, that even if you went AI and went out for a few meals it would even out.

    I'll stick to AI, nothing like unlimited poolside Bloodies (nectar of the Gods) starting in the A.M. to get a person going.
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