If they do not have coffee liquor at TTR, you can go across the street as we did and buy good alcohol. We bought some cups, some Red Bull and some Grey Goose...we just couldn't handle their liquor so we just got our own!
oh yeah... a word of warning to everyone: NEVER mix Tylenol (acetominophen) and alcohol, it does horrible stuff to your liver. http://www.michigandaily.com/content/fda-says-tylenol-and-alcohol-bad-mix
before u go to bed, bunch of water, 4 ibuprofen, and 2 midol. yeah midol. have no idea why it works, just got told to try it once and it did. And if u forget the night time stuff u can always just start drinking as soon as u wake up. Lots of bike rally training has helped us.
Definitely "bite the dog that bit you" always works. I am a nurse and trying to figure out how Midol would work. Midol has a diuretic in it which is something I would think you would not want. I know there is another ingredient though. I will have to ask Tom. He is a Pharmacist...I am always looking for good remedies and usually have that available!