You've got a tequila buddy for sure...she drinks that stuff like it's water. When it comes to tequila she can drink me under the table any day. Cuervo and I had a fight when I was in college and I never fully recovered.
No black for sure, don't know about crown. Why don't buy duty-free from USA airport before your journey, i guess you each can carry at least a liter. That way you don't need to buy liquor in Cancun. Just check online about duty free allowances.
I've been trying to find solid info on this subject from the TSA/Customs, but it's a little unclear. As far as carrying on alcohol it seems you're still limited to the 3 oz or < and the 1 qt size bag per person. In checked baggage it seems they allow up to 3 liters of alcohol or 6 liters of wine per person. Please let me know if someone has experienced any different than that.
You will have another tequila loving woman there at the same time as Amanda loves herself some tequila. See you guys in less than 2 weeks.
Grey Goose for Cindy... Think we're purchasing in EWR as do not recall seeing duty free in Cancun Airport... Looking forward to meeting you guys... Fun time count down continues.. It has gone from counting down months then to weeks and now just days!!!!
I read in a different thread that there's a duty free in Cancun after you clear customs. Haven't stopped there myself though.
We have taken bottles in our checked luggage but was told last trip about someone getting the red light at the airport in cancun and having to pay a tax in order to bring the bottles in. Anyone else have this happen ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't know for sure but I would think there would be a limit allowed for personal consumption. I'm a smoker and I bring my cigarettes down with me for personal consumption. I would think it would be the same thing. Nikki