Steve, I have 4 albums but have no album count will that update at sometime? The only albums that show in the album count are the ones done after the new forums started. T
I thought I'd answered this somewhere, maybe not. The counts aren't working properly for some reason. I keep running the rebuild album counts command but it doesn't seem to change anything, it should. Edit to add: I ran it again and seems to be ok now
Steve... and anyone else who has an idea. First, remember that me be legally-blind, but still want to post pics of the hotness. That being said, I've logged-in of course. I click on our username (Stacia_and_John) which I presume is represented ont he screen to those who can actually look at the screen normally as the pic of my carrying Stacia over my shoulder. Then, I find the Media link, and click that. Near the "top" so to speak in my interaction witht he next page that comes up after I click Media, there is a link named "Add Media." So, I click that.... ... and the page changes... but my screen reading software is flummoxed (I like that word as it fits my mood when dealing with these types of accessibility issues) and I can NOT find anything with a browse to upload box/link, a place which obviously says "Click here to upload files," I get nothing at all. I'm positive it is there, somehow, for you guys who can see to operate the site normally.... as I can review the media statistics! Sheehs, hat's a lot of fun pics. But, I can't get past this stage? Any ideas?
John, the link you are using is to your profile page and there is no upload button on that page. The profile page is "all the information about a particular person" and is intended more for others to view rather than you to use as a way of managing your account. To add pics, go to the Media button just under the logo, between the forums button and the members button, which is this link: Media | Cancuncare Forums: Temptation Resort, Desire, Cancun Info and more That is where you will find the upload button. I would ask though that you follow the restrictions on nudity and non PG content. I've just noticed that the notice has disappeared following the last update a couple of weeks ago so I will need to replace that. But basically all pics need to be no stronger than PG due to advertiser restrictions and to avoid falling foul of workplace filters. Cancunswingers is the place for non PG pics.