Specs in Texas used to carry it, went there last week and they said they had discontinued it because of too many complaints that it did not stay "whipped" and would get runny.
I brought 12 cans in May and had to unload some of my checked baggage and put cloths in my carry on to make wieght.
I got ours at Total Wine in Dallas. They had about 20 cans left. ;-) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So I finally found a good supplier of AIWC nearby. Bubbles Wine & Spirits carry Whipped Lightning. KC area stores are on N Oak in Gladstone & Noland Rd in Independence. The store on Noland had all of the flavors.
Two years ago we could go to the grocery store or a couple of close liquor stores and buy it. We tested it often before and after that trip. Then someone realized it didn't fit in any of the categories of our state's liquor laws meaning that the youth could buy it so it was taken off the shelves. Still cannot be bought or shipped to us which is so depressing :icon_sad:. I wonder how the local politician's get it for their special meeting :bj: with their intern’s; wouldn't you think they'd just write the law to sell the stuff?