I booked us through trans global from MN all inclusive to to Dos Plays for 500.00 per person including air.
I booked airfare to Cancun this morning and I got it for $87 round trip on Orbitz. I'm pretty sure it has to be a glitch in the system but when I put in the dates 12/12-19 out of Cincy to Cancun it came up $87...and that was the final price. I booked it instantly thinking it would be gone next time I looked so I'm locked in at that price!!!!! Karan
Wow Karan wtg that is awesome. Wish I could find a glitch like that from Memphis LOL we paid 400 apiece for our flights in July.
I checked a little while ago and it said nearly $300 for the same flight....guess they fixed the glitch. Karan
Anyone have a promotion code for American Airlines?? I never fly AA to Cancun, but they are my best choice for flying back to STL on Labor Day, and even that is not non-stop. None of the other carriers that I have used fly out on Monday.
MSP to Cun February Just booked Minneapolis to Cancun (1 stop in Atlanta) for Feb. 10-17, 2007 for $301 RT. Pretty sweet considering I was planning on spending $500. Non-stop would have been nice, but the wife and I can use an extra $400 spending money.
You guys are so lucky to get such good prices - I started looking in earnest about a month ago, put flights on hold (2) for $1038 total - went to book 3 days later, and they had gone up to $1178 - I booked - yesterday I checked again and they were $1338 - they went up that much in a week - the same flight :shock:
Flying from LAS Vegas to Cancun is cheap with Aviacsa, look at www.aviacsa.com they make 1 stop at Monterrey or Mexico City. Try the search on Tuesday as they post the Tuesday Sopecials rate, we found a flight cun - las round trip for $ 350 per person.
Flying out of Cleveland to Cancun on August 19 is only $1 right now at www.usa3000.com. Not sure about the prices from other cities, but the total cost for two of us to fly round trip was only$544! When you use promo code wqed in knocks off like $40.
I tried a sample fare from NY JFK to Cancun Aug. 19-Aug 26 and it came out to $286 total r/t. Not bad at all.