The CNN report makes me wonder...I guess Mexico is going through a civil war. I will keep my ears open...I leave in 6 weeks with my son...I guess we won't leave the resort!
Relax, if you are not involved in dealings with the cartels, you will not be in danger. Don't buy drugs, very simple. The hotel zone is safe, millions travel here without incident. Yes, there are problems with violence in Mexico, but it does not hit the tourists unless they get involved with the wrong people. Get out, enjoy the area, staying at the resort would be silly, that would be like going to a hotel in your home town or Anytown, USA. Explore Quintana Roo, do some tours, do some shopping, try all the restaurants, you'll be fine.
We have been to mexico 3 times and always felt very safe day and night. Go enjoy yourself. We have taken the kids with us also and had alot of fun taking tours and just walking around. As CancunCanuck says the tourest areas are very safe.
Gang members kill each other in major cities all over the US every day. Would you decide against going to Denver because of crime? When I lived in Colorado Denver was in the news all the time because of drive-by shootings and gang problems. Yet I thought nothing of spending time in Denver and did so all the time without incident. NYC and LA have murders everyday. But they are great places to go visit. Cancun has nearly 1 million people in it. When you have that large a population stuff happens. These recent murders happened 10 or so miles inland from the hotel area. Are you planning to hang out there? Neither am I. Yes Mexico has violence problems. Fortunately for the rest of us the victims seem to be targeted and almost never seem to be randomly chosen. Personally I'm continually surprised how little crime there is here against tourists. Especially given how so many of them come here and get so wasted that they can't find their hotels. If you come here and use the common sense you would use in a US city you will be fine. And when you come here and see the tourists roaming freely 24 hours a day you will relax anyway.
Really.. I fell safer in the hotel zone in cancun at 2 AM in the morning than I do on the 16th Street Mall in Denver. Go, enjoy, be smart and you'll have a great time. Jamie
Exactly my point. I walk my dogs alone at midnight in Cancun. The mafia crime here is ugly and horrible, but it is targeted. People are chosen because they piss off the mob somehow and turn up dead later. We don't have rampant crime in the streets...what we have in the streets here are sunburned tourists...
Thanks for all your comments. I also will be at the Royal Sands 3/21 to 3/28 with my 14 year old son. Sounds like it will be safe to ride the bus again this year. Wild ride, but at least no worries of gun men.