I am 37 and Rob is 41...we've been going for 6 years and we always feel like we belong and it has nothing to do with our ages.
Thanks all who responded! It is pretty much what I expected and hoped to hear! Really looking forward to no kids, no worries and no panties...and that's just on me... lol
Glenn is 45 and I just turned 44 on our last trip. We partied with all ages. Some of them were older and most were in their 40's but being young at heart we spent alot of time with friends that were 26, 30,32,33. We had a blast and really noone was put out by us being older as we could easily out party all of them. We also enjoy the energy of younger people. Not saying we didn't have a blast with our friends our age.
We are closer to 50 than 40... and we have a fantastic time... as people have said before age is a state of mind. And we have be accused of not acting our age many times... not sure if that is good or bad... guess depends on who is judging me... not that I really give a rats ass.. LOL
I'm in my 50's, my wife is in her 40's. Every time we go we end up partying with people older than me and people younger than her and we have a blast. It's actually great having the variety of age groups. Makes for interesting conversations!!!
Jamie and I went were at a Playa del Carmen resort last year. It was fine...but no one seemed to want to talk to each other. People seemed to come with their family or group and just wanted to keep to themselves. Relaxing and quiet but...there's just a different atmosphere at Temptation. People don't seem to be afraid to have fun!