We picked up our St. Patty's party shirts tonight... have we decided which night to have our after-hours party? We're "game" for almost anything... bring it on!
SO far I think we have Twister with tequilla The card game I've Never Beer Pong Truth or Dare and I am sure there are a few I have forgotten...
I'm not sure what the card game "I've Never" is but we play a game at parties without cards called "I Never" and its a blast. How we play is everyone gets 10 chips or coins and everyone sits in a circle and goes around the room and has to say something they have never done or seen and if you done or seen it you lose a chip. The first person without any chips is the winner. For example, someone may say, "I've never kissed someone of the opposite sex." If you have kissed someone of the opposite sex you lose a chip. We have also played the opposite game- "I have". So if you say, "I have seen a man masterbating in a tree" and you haven't seen that you lose a chip. So I'm guessing everyone but my lovely wife would lose a chip on this question, lol.