We picked up a couple of games last night... One card/drinking game called I've Never as well as a dice drinking game... Bern also picked up some really cute straws for the ladies... lmao
Sweet!! I have a few games to bring too! I am going shopping today for some fun stuff! WE can't wait!!!!!
I don't think its a game Ice, but probably those straws you buy @ the novelty shops that are shaped like a penis. or something along those lines. Just my guess :huh:
afterhours games Hey All: Cindy and I are there Feb24 - March 10. I have now packed the twister board in our luggage. Hope all of you are there when we are so we can give it a try....somehow we have to incorperate Taquila shots to make it even more interesting....any ideas??? regardless ed n cindy are in for twister...or any other games anyone can come up with.....The liver is evil it must be punished!