Me and a buddy are looking to return this year thinking of staying either barcelo tucancun (where I stayed the first time, not sure if it is still a breakers hotel?) avalon grand Just curious where you guys n girls are getting pricing? Any good online sites for hotels? Most likely going to be coming from mexico city as we are going to be going to south america after cancun (costa rica most likely as well) Anybody been to Costa Rica as well on SB?
Hey Gemma, how you been? Damn...tucancun was pretty good to I even thought about the Oasis but heard the food was total shit there Are you going back this year? Looks like me and my mate will be there 10th of march
where are you from? that might help in getting responses on who to book with... and we are probably staying at the tucancun...hope its not that bad :-|
Coming over from Australia I totally loved the place (tucancun) and it had a great crowd and atmosphere ...location was good to. I haven't been to any other hotels (except the day at the oasis...seemed crowded, crap food,to much posing) so I can't compare it to others.
hmm well then i dont think i can help you maybe do a google search on companies. :huh: well, we're giving it a chance. suzanne had stayed there a few years ago and liked it so we''re gonna try it this year. should be good. we're looking forward to it ive heard the same about the oasis . í like to get a lounger by the pool and i like good food. so i wouldnt stay at the oasis
yeah justin i think me and adam are getting a late deal because we are skint, not to sure what claire and the others are doing yet. We went last year and when we booked efore the hurricane we couldnt get the tucancun, from what we could find out they wanted more families which was a shame
the travel agents here told us thats the image they were going for, also i read a bit about it in the other forum here, the top one i think, whats it called eeeeeeeeeeeeeee