I have heard that taking Acidophilus before and while traveling to Mexico can help prevent sickness from food/water. Has anyone tried this and did it work?
That has always been a hot topic. Here's perhaps the best thread discussing this: http://cancuncare.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1419
Yes and no Apple My buddy Rondo turned me on to Kyo years ago and I used it as directed, 2 per day a week before the trip, during the trip and a week after the trip. I never ever had a problem. Now my stomach can handle anything that Cancun has to offer. Apple, I get this stuff at a large health food store in Florida and while they suggest keeping in cold, which I do, it still works just fine at room temperature. It is just that the shelf life is longer if kept in the frig. I am positive that (at least based on what my regular store tells me) that is is totally ok for a trip of a couple of weeks, which would mean that it is a total go for 4 weeks at room temp. And if you keep it cold for the week before the trip it seems to be a no brainer. I get it in 90 to a bottle, put it in the frig, and take what I need with me in a smaller bottle when I venture to strange places.