This will be a temporary forum that runs until the new Temptation reopens. It is intended for anyone visiting Cancun during the shutdown regardless of where you are staying. We have a new roll call system, please take the time to fill in your details. This way we can have one definitive roll call of who is in Cancun on any one day. I'll be using the roll call to decide whether we have enough people to run boobs cruises. Feel free to start new threads about your upcoming trip here, but if referring to a specific hotel please make that clear in the title with a prefix e.g. GP (Golden Parnassus), OS (Oasis Sens) DRM (Desire Riviera Maya) or DP (Desire Pearl). If possible, I'd like to move all the Exiles chat here from the other non TTR forums so that we can leave those forums to those that consider that hotel their home resort.
Steve, will you do a thread for August 2017 for those that will be coming to the area prior to the reopening? Thanks