Well a year ago today I packed my suitcaes and bundled the kids onto a plane headed for Cancun.! I nearly turned around in the departure lounge as many friends kept phoning the mobile and weeping their farewells. I settled the kids in school, drove to endless extra spanish tuition, football tournaments, birthday parties where I couldn't undertand a word of what was going on. I drove on the "wrong" side of the road down streets where I believed everyone wanted to crash into me.I panicked whenever I approached the junction by Sorianas. I have survived the queues in Immigration- not to mention the rudeness of the staff there. I have also managed to stay secure when many women around me told me that all Mexican women would be after my husband and I should follow him everywhere. LOL. Luckily i have not had to witness a hurricane yet but nature has thrown, snakes, sharks, crocodiles and cockroaches at us.......oh and our house gets flooded every so often. For all that I am glad to say I am still here and have manged it because of the connections I have made .I now have firm friends who allow me to moan and let off steam in the middle of raging PMT.I appreciate all of you that have welcomed us and showed us how to enjoy life in Cancun. THANK YOU> TRacey xxx
Felicidades! I for one am thrilled to have you here and to be friends with you and your wonderful family. Yay!
Great, congrats for your spirits, and have a long happy life here. When I arrived once a person told me "you have been here for 10 months, you are here for 10 years". I couldn't believe it... It has been more than 8! Don't worry, I know many women will try, but it mostly depends on the husband, right? :daveandmo: :sunny: :claphappy:
Congratulations on the year. It truly is a milestone. I would congratulate anyone who changes cultures and adapts. It is not easy. I spent 4 years in Cancun and they were the best in my life. Now my wife is doing the sam thing in the U.S and it is not easy. Keep your head up and continually recognize that life is a balance and compare the positives and negatives. I know that there were moments that cancun was ideal and moments that were so difficult to overcome.......... enjoy your time where youa re. Cancun is great and you have good friends.....
Congrats! We look forward to meeting you...a year...wow....we are only on day 4! And it looks like we will make it past a week! HAHAHAHHAHA