The first time I booked at BBG, 5 years ago, the travel agent checked to make sure I knew what I was getting into going there. Because of this board I knew exactly what to expect.
we were there at that time. i remember watching the faces of that older group of people that were being given a tour during the banana game. that one girl did get a little crazy....... it was epic.:icon_surprised::icon_surprised:
What a load of codswallop that story is. But if its true WE wanna be in it. Maybe we should just try to live up to the story in May. Hate to see a good story go begging because of lack of facts!!!
Its funny now but that story almost shutdown all the travel coming from the UK for over a year. Repeaters from the UK almost had to beg to get people to book them. I know diehards like Les and Lynfa were never deterred but lots of others were. Changed how then BBG operated for a couple of years until they became Temptation. Jamie