reading a trip report made me think about these questions all the help is great 1,if you had the choice would you go dec or jan ? 2,are there a lot of fighting at the resort ? 3, is there a lot of flirting going on at the resort ? 4,as a single guy i see it wont be to hard to meet single's and couple's and i get the hint that its very friendly but going as a single what are some disadvantage's at TTR ?
Have never been in Dec or Jan so no advice about that. I never saw any fighting there, my bf did witness late one night where some man got pretty upset with his woman for talking to a man. Other than that I havent seen any fighting. Flirting?!?!? At TTR?!?!?! :lol: :wink: I think most singles have a pretty good time at TTR. People are so friendly there that it is easy to make friends. I think other resorts might be harder on a single.
Hola, When we went in Jan, the water was to cool to get in, pool and ocean. But if I had to choose I would go the cheaper time, before christmas of after th 2nd. The only fight I have ever seen was between two gay gals, flirting is a must and very active, beening single, every body very freindly no mater you status quo. Terry
We have always gone in Jan. and the weather is usually in mid eighties, Nice! Last year however, we had a couple of 65 degree days and it was COLD, but the rest of trip was nice and warm and we always went into the pool. I get cold easily...that's why you see me squeezing in my husband's jacket in our picture. It was a cool summer night at the lake here in California. I cannot speak for Dec. but Jan has always been a great time for complaints! About fights.... any fights I've seen are between couples and just bickering type fights. Last year a couple fought on their last night so bad that the wife slept on the couch in the lobby. That was sad! I am sure they had a rough trip back home on the plane! lol
Beachcomer, 1) Dec./Jan.. As a Wisconsinite, most def January. Breaks up the winter better. 2) Fighting. Never seen any combat. But, I am up for it. Pool boxing would be far more entertaining than that water aerobics shit. 3) Flirting. Sure. Doesn't even require conversation in the sexy pool. 4) Singles. I think it would be great to have more singles. But, in my experience, the resort is dominated by couples. That being said, we have met some lovely, sexy, single women, and some friendly young gents. But, you might be dealing with a smaller 'talent' pool.
1 - I second January as it breaks up the white shit on the ground 2 - Fighting - a few here and there usually stupid people taking picture of people they shouldn't or couples that can't get along no matter where they are. 3 - Just stay at the sexy pool (funny this usually causes #2) 4 - A lot of couples, A lot of couples who may be single on vacation and some singles. It's all good (see #3)