Me and A girl from ND Oasis Pool My buddy and some girls we met from ASU Our bartender at corona bar every night. We ended up going to the tiki bar downtown with him one night. Felt kind of out of place there. Me and one of the ASU girls.
Naw, I would have killed to have been there but wasn't able to go this year. Looks like you had fun though. BTW - If you haven't read them yet check out Dennis' (DConTC) trip reports. They are the best!
a girl we met on the plane, she had the coolest hair! on the way out to the island.... corona bar, we were here every night either before or after the club. I think i actually saw jason and his women there one night. One of the girls we hung out w/ thoughout the week our bartender, his gf and my buddy at the tiki bar.
gotta get a digital camera. I got mine for $150usd. Also got a 4gig memory card to go with it for $50. Between me and my buddy we had 8 gigs worth of memory cards. Most of our stuff is in video. Ill try to post that sunday when i get home from my cabin.