Having just got back from a week in Cancun, my first and unfortunately probably my last, I really just wanted to add a few comments on my week away. I'll be totally honest and say I wasn't sure what to expect. I had seen plenty of pictures and read loads of reports but would we be totally suffocated by millions of Americans! The truth is my week away has completely changed my opinion on American people, especially young American men. In just one week I have met a few lads who I would truely regard as friends and I hope they do take up my offer to come to England. Ohio State Uni meant nothing to me a week ago, I know a lot now! Seriously though once you get past the loud, brash front, the people I met were fantastic. I'm 31 years old and I spent my days in the pool with 19-20 year olds who had me in stitches all day. Another myth that was blown away was that Americans can't drink. Oh my God. One guy, Mike Hollow Legs, could drink all day and all night for a week with a smile on his face and if he was English he would be knighted. So I would like to say a huge thanks to every American I met at the Oasis Beach and Spa. You have completely changed the views of 5 English men and gave us a week we will never forget. After 10 years holidaying around Europe, this was the best way to ever say goodbye. Peter P.S- I can't believe I'll never have girls saying, 'oh my God are you from London' again!!!!!! P.P.S - To the girl who sat round our pool everyday in a white bikini with her 2 friends, thank you for staying at the Oasis Beach, I hope I didn't stare too much!!!
Great note... which has to provide some level of recapture of pride that's been so damaged by recent turns in world events to those from the US. (I feel similarly, by the way, about the youth from the US these days and for the most part. One has to wonder exactly how that all came about...) So the burning question then is - why would you not return? Do you believe that there is a better place to visit today, or are you terminally ill (1000 pardons if that would unfortunately happen to be the case), or what exactly in heavens name could be so daunting as to prevent you from returning to one of the most well managed and affordable social experiences on the planet???
Quite simple I'm afraid, I am terminally ill, I'm too bloody old! 31, not one person from the US said anything negative about that but it's probably best to bow out with some sense of dignity. I can guarantee though that had I been younger I most certainly would have been coming back. One of our group though is only 25 and he'll be returning for sure. You are right about young Americans doing far more to help the reputation of your country than the poxy men in suits. My mum nearly had a heart attack when I told her I had invited six young guys from Iowa over. She's pretty pleased I have my own house! You really do have parties at houses like the one in American Pie, you crazy fools!!! So yes I would return in a heartbeat but hey, I'm off to Iowa instead!!
OMG.... You are just about dead, aren't you? My god, fellow, look about you - except for the Breakers, everyone else here (and in Cancun any time other than spring break) is your senior. Ask anyone who knows anything about Cancun and you'll find that you'll have even more fun at times other than spring break - and you won't feel old. 31 and thinking that your days (/nights) in Cancun are over. The good times have just begun, my friend. Forget Iowa. Thanks again for all of the kind words, by the way. Some of these kids are friends of mine and both I (and I'm sure they) appreciate it very much.
Its funny every english guy seems to go over there expecting american guys to be Jack asses and they all return thinking the exact same thing and how friendly everyone is. Glad you had a good time all the same. Bye Adam
Perhaps I can shed a bit of relevance to this dilemma, friend from across the pond. First, we're all terminally ill from the minute we're born. That's why you must take full advantage of every minute between the first and the last. Second, I'm 37 and from the US. I don't look 21 and don't pretend to be. I look my age and drink like I've been practicing to do it for 20+ years Last year was my first week in Cancun, this past week my second, and I don't see the last one any time soon. Cancun gives you that rare opportunity of meeting people from every corner of the planet every time you turn around, and each experience is completely different than the last. I hope you reconsider, and when you do, I hope I'm there to raise a glass with you.
Nah I think you americans are great, infact id go as far as saying I prefer you to the average english guy. You could go out on a night out in england and wouldnt meet half as many good blokes as I did both years in Cun. Bye Adam
As an American, I've never traveled anywhere on vacation with preconceived ideas of how others will act. I've been to the UK, across Europe, Mexico, Canada, and various other Caribbean locations without anyone wanting to start a fight or trouble with me. You can find individuals being a-holes in any culture and it is far easier to find them if one travels with a chip on your shoulder. When I travel, I've always make an effort to find certain commonalities and relate to other people with respect, that way I never have problems and more often that not, I make new friends. A positive attitude is definitely key…