I remember waking up one morning and saying what in gods name happened to my stomach, just full of scratches and bruises....so i did the natural thing and looked around for evidence of a struggle haha...then went down for my hangover meds and when i got to the pool i realized....my fat lazy ass was too drunk and lazy to use the pool steps, so i was slide on the stomach across the jacuzzi area and out of the pool and back in.... repeat numerous times...lol...such a lazy shit i am..
Niceguy.... meet Jim .... one of the great people you'll meet at Temptation. If you see him floating face down in the pool summon a staff member immediately. It's their job to resuscitate him. They may have to use mouth to mouth and god only knows how many times he threw up prior to you finding him. An extremely large tip will be in order for the staff member. We'll all kick in.....
That may be the case by day four or five....by day 8 or so , just pour beer down my snorkle tube, as ill have learned by then to carry the snorkle .
:doh:damn im usually good about watching what i post , as not to self incriminate...lol..........could you poor beer down the tube of the under water breathing aparatus, that I will have strategically placed
Brewster, nice to meet Jim! Should be a week of interesting events and to see how much booze we can consume and still have a great time! Not a big fan of hang overs so i think i will have to stay drunk the whole time! lol
Thats the key, keep the alcohol flowing.....and if need be , see hugo for the his special hangover medicine lol....see ya there