It does include flights . Flying from Gatwick . We only paid 1950 in total last year with alpha rooms . This was on sunday night . We noticed price changed after we booked .
Travel Republic Did someone at Travel Republic make a BIG booby !!!. Could be a vacancy there at any time....... If 1950 is in sterling, then yes, seen that price very occasionally with Thomas Cook via the Co-op.
Heading over, for the 1st time, on Saturday. If it's as good as it sounds there is a strong chance we'll be back at Easter.
Well i called Travel Republic directly after logging off here the day i saw the post...they quoted me £1,354 each for exactly the same dates. Either someone messed up or you just logged on at a very lucky moment! Lol. We were looking at Thailand for next year but all the dates we looked at were in their monsoon season, besides...who were we kidding thinking we could miss a year at Life's best party resort!! Heading back in October 2015...need to see how good these Hotties & Hellraisers reallay are!
For anyone still looking some friends of ours just booked 14 nights from 30th April on icelolly for £983 pp flying from Gatwick .