Well, if we're all going to go there, then let's here everyones stories of getting away with it and getting caught!
We got away with it on our first visit. We got naked in the sports pool around 2-3 am. We went at it from start to finish that year. Lmao
This is alway s part of the trip , dinner,nice shoes, dance until 2 then move to sport pool nude until 3 or 330 then towel . Towel whole other story but available, then. Back for frys and Hamburg to take back to room or tequila with friends and repeat day at around 8am
We fell asleep naked on one of the beach beds on our first trip and didn't wake up until the noise of people getting started on their morning partying woke us up. That was a little embarrassing.
4am Sports Pool Security came up to us and asked "Miss V" " are you having sex in the pool ? "...... V's immediate response......... " Not at the moment " (LOL)... security left and the party continued... :daveandmo:
We have been up until 4am plenty of times, but have not gone skinny dipping in the pool or hot tub. We may have to make a goal to change that this year!
Every resort in Mexico I have gone I try to go skinny dipping at least once. I don't plan on stopping the tradition.