Being sick wouldn't stop me speially when I've waiting for this trip since last year there no way in he'll I'll stay in NYC!!!!
First: go to the doctor. Sometimes you get a bacterial infection and you may need antibiotics. Then pack your lugagge. After doing that get in bed all day drinking huge amounts of liquid and the medication the doctor gave you. Do that until you have to go to airport. When you arrive to Cancun you may not feel all recovered, but it won't last all trip, my guess is after one or two days in there you'll be feeling much better.
This is a very dumb question. Of course you should go. You'll be kicking yourself for not going. MAN UP!
Good point. We aren't doctors. With the swollen glands it could be strep throat, requiring antibiotics. See a doctor.
I TOTALLY agree! After some drinks you wont feel bad at all. Alcohol is a pretty good analgesic. On a more serious note though, you should definitely see a doc before you go. Even if it isn't that serious, make sure he knows that you're going to cancun because whenever you travel, you are exposed to new germs that your body hasn't dealt with before and could make things worse.
Yea, like Hepatitis A, Typhoid fever and the mesquito's carry a nasty virus! I would atleast get the Hep A vaccine and bring some deet for the squito's!
:xyxthumbs: thanks Henry, just giving my 2 cents. I also don't take advice from randoms in Cancun matters, your opinion in the board is the word. that's what I meant.