I will be the first to now say How wrong was I...I previously said right at the beginning that I didn't think Barrack would ever be elected I for one am looking forward to his term! Hopefully his slogan of CHANGE will come true! First stop ECONOMY! Also get them troops out! obviously not a total pull out but a large percentage!
well i guess any change is good change. But for some reason Obama feels alot like 'Nu Labour' to me! Give him time though, like he said it could take a term to make any difference. Be interesting how he plays his alleged tax breaks and economy boosts, seeing that national debt is spiralling out of control. I fear that he will pull out troops, especially in Afghanistan where MORE troops are needed not less, maybe he will bring a more dimplomatic approach to the table there. I reckon Gordon Clown is probably pleased, i gather he wasn't seen in the same light as the Bush admin, so he's got a new pal to play 'lets change the world' with.
I hope it will make an enormous difference in helping the USA regain its standing in the world after the disasterous Bush Era. It is, of course, an historic day. I'm happy to have an intelligent and articulate President at the helm at last. Let's give him a chance!