Some cab driver made me the victim. My drink had been spiked in the club i saw all black then some taxi driver helped me into his cab. only to steal my phone , money and kick me out 4-5kms from my hotel where i couldnt even stand :lol: luckily my arse wasnt painfull atall but i did get some stick about this the following days :lol: DATERAPE VICTIM 08
I was outside subways one night and a group of mexicans wanted to fight because they thought i was American they learned i was british and left me alone :? dicks
Oh yeah I lost about 9-10 hours, but someone thought they'd be nice and take my bag which had my camera, phone and few other things, and my watch OFF my wrist while I was out cold with blood pouring from my head, very nice person indeed . Can't believe both the club and the hotel staff let me go to sleep after it was quite obvious that I'd hit my head and hard!!
that freakin sucks.. it seems like it's more common than i thought.. and now after hearing the story about trig, it looks like girls aren't the only ones who have to be careful with their drinks.. i told my boyfriend about all this
Well i dont think i was the intended victim i was talking to a big group of girls and was quite away from my drink and going back to it so who knows. Deffinatly learnt me to hold onto my drink at all costs and not put it down . This is same back home though.